Thursday, July 28, 2011

Homemade Anti-Aging Remedies

It 'a cruel fact of life - men and look attractive with a few lines on his face, but the same amount of wrinkles or crow's feet in a woman makes her look and feel exhausted and drained. So it's no wonder that women turned up at the age of 30 years and are very conscious of the aging process and all corners of the emerging countries in their skin. Instead of blowing your savings at a party Botox, healthy and organic ingredients you can find in most homes and almost every grocery storeMemory to improve your skin and minimize visible signs of skin aging. Together with a good diet and a positive attitude, this home-made anti - aging agent can drop years from your face and the psyche.


Anti Aging

The potato has amazing anti - aging is used, due to its high starch content that makes it ideal for a natural exfoliation. Make a cheap scrubs, mixing a medium potato with two tablespoons of rustApplesauce. Let it sit on your skin and relax for about 20 minutes, then rinse the lock with a mixture of hot water. The strength of potato skin and remove layers of dead skin cells for a lot cheaper than a spa facial. It is also possible to combat potato slices in the swelling of the eyes, use slices of cucumber in the same way you want.

Homemade Anti-Aging Remedies


Vitamin supplements may do more for you to keep your immune system in balance. You can actually apply directly on skinadditional moisture. Vitamin E, in particular, can re-hydrate tired skin and minimizes the appearance of scars. Natural citric acid in lemon juice and tomatoes can also act as a scrub - tomato, mix pasta with lentil flour try, add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and an inch of turmeric to a refreshing mask for the face. Do this twice a week for your skin glowing.


Papaya and banana can do wonders for dry skin. Just crush and apply to some20 to 30 minutes, then with a washcloth and warm water, gently clean the compound. Ends with little or vitamin E lotion to pamper your skin thoroughly.


If you already see, are coming up fine lines and wrinkles on your face, you should try a pineapple coring and polishing like a sponge homemade. Once you have rubbed the pineapple, the whole face, neck and throat, you should let the meat dry for no longer than 15 minutes before washingDo not forget your décolleté and hands as well - the body parts can drastically the age of a person if left unattended.


Water is one of the most natural and powerful anti - aging through. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of fluid a day cushions the skin, conceals or so filling in any fine lines and wrinkles. The water can flush toxins from your system that could cause breakouts, and will not help your skindry and scaly.


A freshly cut lemon is the secret weapon of a person with acne. Just a few drops of lemon juice on a cotton ball and dab paint over the face, as a natural toner. Lemon juice can reduce the redness, spotted and help also help lighten age spots. Women with sensitive skin, you should add the lemon juice with a teaspoon or so cut off from the water before.

Homemade Anti-Aging Remedies

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