Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Anti Aging Cream Ingredients to Avoid

Anti-aging creams is probably one of the most popular skin care to present the products on the market. And 'cheap and readily available makes it a popular choice among women and men. But unknown to many, there are skin care you can get in danger of such a cream that promises significant anti-aging results. Some of these creams on the market contain ingredients that can cause skin damage. Fortunately, you can avoidThis is done to know which ingredients to avoid when looking for an anti-aging cream. Let me give you some of them.

1 Alcohols

Anti Aging

Alcohol is often used in the treatment of most skin and beauty. When searching for an anti aging cream, avoid those containing methanol, ethanol, benzyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol included. These alcohol can dry and irritate the skin.

Anti Aging Cream Ingredients to Avoid

2 Paraben

How are alcohols, parabens often used inMost of the skin and beauty care products. Antiaging creams, like many products that are sold today, loaded with preservatives. Paraben is used to help maintain the freshness and prolong the duration of skin creams. However, this chemical can cause allergic reactions especially for those people who have sensitive skin. Aside from allergies are well known parabens disrupt the endocrine system that affects the hormonal balance in the body. This drug has been brought in connectiondisorders of fetal development and breast cancer.

3 Dioxane

Dioxane is a chemical that is very harmful by skin care companies ingedients lasts longer than mild. Avoid anti-aging creams that contain this total is used because studies have shown that prolonged exposure to this chemical can cause cancer. This chemical is already prohibited by the U.S. State of California, but is not FDA approved but is still largely prohibited.

4 Oil

Mineral oil is one of thethe most common ingredients in anti-aging creams. The best way is to avoid products containing this because it can clog pores and prevent the toxins flushed out as a natural way. It can also cause premature aging of the skin and acne. How ironic is not it?

5 Fragrance

Skin care products like anti-aging creams have to smell good for the customer to buy it. This is why many manufacturers have their products in fragrances to maskunpleasant odors. What many do not, perfumes can damage skin over time. Many types of fragrances are also known to be toxic and carcinogenic.

Anti Aging Cream Ingredients to Avoid

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