Friday, October 28, 2011

Effective Anti Aging Treatments

Aging is inevitable and this is a fact that only few can accept without the feeling of sadness and dismay. We all desire to be forever young and beautiful. Fortunately, there are several effective anti aging treatments that can eliminate or conceal signs of aging and bring back hope and joy in our life.

[b]Anti Aging[/b]

One of the best and most natural anti aging treatments is exercising. Regular exercises improve blood circulation and strengthen your immune system. Just half an hour of daily exercise will have a positive effect on your general health, make your skin smooth and elastic and prevent signs of premature aging.

Botulinum is an effective anti aging skincare product. Initially it was used to treat muscle spasm. When applied it paralyses muscles that trigger repetitive facial motions like frowning and smiling. Thus, botulinum is a great option for erasing frown, forehead and neck lines.

If you crave for smooth, tight and natural looking skin you may want to resort to thermage. Thermage is a safe non-invasive cosmetic technique that makes use of radio frequency waves. It's medically proven to help tighten skin, smooth wrinkles and renew facial contours. The procedure is quite effective and patients usually achieve noticeable results in several months.

Apple cider vinegar is a great means to improve the condition of your skin and slow down its aging. It detoxifies your system and removes harmful substances from your body. Apple cider vinegar also accelerates metabolism and gives you more vitality. Another great anti aging product that you may consider is fish oil. Take 1-2 capsules of it daily to improve blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and reduce skin inflammation.

Intense pulsed light is another highly-effective anti aging skin treatment. It is basically used for broken capillaries, pigmentation and hair removal. During the procedure varying wavelengths of light are applied on the parts of the skin.

To exfoliate your skin and make it look younger scrub it with sea salt. Exfoliating is significant in removing dead skin cells and grease in the pores. Sea salt also comprises minerals that can ameliorate the functions of the dermis. Scrub your damp skin with sea salt with careful circular motions.

One more popular anti aging treatment is plasma skin resurfacing. It is usually used for eliminating wrinkles, sun injury, pimples, and skin wounds. It acts by damaging the skin in a controlled way, leading to the curing reaction and collagen production, that successively allows the skin to regenerate and renew.

Effective Anti Aging Treatments

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Revolutionary Anti-Aging Medicine Slows Aging

As little as a decade ago, anti-aging medicine was considered to be purely science fiction by some. Now, ten years later, a great many of the insights that have been put forth by anti-aging clinicians and pioneering researchers have become science facts.

Scientists know much more today about the deterioration that we all undergo and the vulnerability to disease that is characteristic of the aging process. Many of these newly found discoveries can be traced to the beginning of anti-aging medicine which heralded in a new era for not only an innovative health care model but an exciting scientific field of study as well.

Anti Aging

Anti-aging medicine has grown to be a medical specialty that has been founded on the application of advanced medical and scientific technologies for the early prevention, detection, treatment and reversal of all age-related diseases. Anti-aging medicine has become a health care model which promotes innovative research and science to prolong a healthy lifespan in human beings. Anti-aging medicine is based on solid principles of responsible and sound medical care which are consistent with those that are applied in other preventive health care specialties. Anti-aging medicine is:

Revolutionary Anti-Aging Medicine Slows Aging


The practices of anti-aging diagnoses and treatment are supported by scientific evidence. They cannot be branded as merely anecdotal.


This branch of medicine is based on a direct and orderly process by which data can be acquired in order to formulate an objective yet scientific assessment so that an effective treatment plan can be assigned.


This branch of medicine makes use of an organized framework for a diagnostic assessment based on the whole person and the subsequent plan for a treatment regimen.


This branch of medicine recognizes that often a multi-faceted approach may produce greater rejuvenating effects than just by administering a single therapy.

Anti-aging medicine has been well-documented by such peer-reviewed journals as Aging, Lancet, Journal of the AMA, American Journal of Cardiology and many more. Anti-aging medicine has its main focus on the application of highly technical diagnostic and treatment biomedical technologies so that it may come up with the earliest detection and the most aggressive care of disease. Anti-aging medicine's goal is not just to prolong an individual's life as far as years are concerned, but it wants to ensure that the individual will enjoy those years in a vital and productive fashion.

Anti-aging medicine has hastened the pace of advancement in preventive health measures as well as in health promotion. By putting into practice a proactive health program that embraces all elements of anti-aging preventive health care for yourself, the ability is increased for you to live a robust and long life in which you will spend abundant and quality time with your family and with its future generations.

Human performance scientists all across the United States agree in one accord that the best thing you can do to slow down the aging process is to stay physically active. Exercise experts now see "aging" as being inactive. Now, thanks to rehab advancements and high-tech sports medicine, men and women who are up in years (90's and 100's) are regaining mobility and strength from muscle training.

There is one lesson to be learned from this: It is never too late to begin an exercise program. However, it is best to get a jump start on exercising while you are still agile enough to do it.

Revolutionary Anti-Aging Medicine Slows Aging

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Anti Aging Tips & Techniques

Aging occurs due to the growth of the tissues and other elements in side the body. Even the cells grow and die as time passes "there was nothing to stop these changes" but this sentences is no more existing. Man has found ways to slow stop and even reverse the growth of human bodies. Anti aging is a process in which a person can stay young for a long time.

[b]Anti Aging[/b]

Anti aging techniques slows down the aging process so that the person stays young and fit. The main part of the anti aging techniques is the nutrition that is taken by a person in his lifetime. Healthy food habits are the key to anti aging techniques.

Creams have become the widely used products among the products used for anti aging. There are sub types in the creams they are natural creams, artificial creams and the last important one is herbal creams. Herbal creams are basically preferred by some people because every one believes that herbal will not give any side effects. But be careful that before using the treatment consult with your doctor or with your beautician so that it doesn't give negative results. There are separate treatments for every individual. As both men and women are equally interested in this anti aging treatment we should be able to carefully differentiate the treatments.

We should also be careful in using these treatments because supervision is a must for several treatments. And in some cases diagnosis is needed to know the condition of the patient. Only by knowing the condition treatments are started because there are separate treatments for every individual depending upon their health. If you follow all these safety measures you will lead a very good young and energetic life as you have lived in your youth.

Nowadays people are interested in using natural anti aging treatment. A mixture of collagen cream and the active ingredients from plants is a familiar natural anti aging treatment that works perfect on wrinkles in the skin. There is another one eating good vitamins rich food is a very well known anti aging treatment. As we have seen many treatments about the anti aging we should not get confused about using these treatments. These treatments are helping us to grow younger.

There are many types in anti aging treatment. One type is anti aging medicine it includes improving the skin texture and moisture of our body. The anti aging treatment can increase energy levels, sexual performance, immune system vigilance and they also work on the age related growth factors. The anti aging treatment also helps to re-contour the body, restore muscle tone, and reduce the fat in body. The results through the anti aging treatment are wonderful changes in biochemistry which enables the look and make you feel that you have got back your youth.

Anti Aging Tips & Techniques

Monday, October 24, 2011

Anti Aging Formula - What Does ORAC Mean?

ORAC - the acronym is new to many who look for anti-aging longevity products, but what exactly does it mean? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. The definition is simpler than it sounds. ORAC is the measurement used to measure the antioxidant capacities in any given biological substance, namely food. This measurement is based on the Free-Radical Theory of Aging, and it is used to understand the correlation between the powerful anti-oxidant capacity of certain food products and its effect on human aging.

The ORAC unit of measurement is used by many different types of food, but the highest ranking is from berries, vegetables, and fruits. The two notably examples are Acai and Resveratrol.

Anti Aging

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) published an updated list of ORAC scores of the 277 foods most commonly consumed by the US public. This long list includes different types of seeds, spices, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. It discovered that the top three foods with the highest antioxidant capacity per each serving included ground cinnamon - 61000, the Aronia black choke berry - 16062, and the Small Red Bean - 13727.

Anti Aging Formula - What Does ORAC Mean?

However, Acai and Resveratrol which have the highest of all ORAC ratings were not included in the study because they are not part of the normal American diet. The Acai's ORAC rating is listed as 5400 (which is extremely low). However, if a person uses freezer-dried Acai Berry powder than it is ranked at 35000 ORAC, which makes it second only to ground cinnamon in terms of ranking. (This destroys the common myth that freeze dried fruits have less antioxidant concentrations and are less powerful that natural fruit. In fact, when the products are formulated with high concentrations, their ORAC levels radically increase.)

In combination, both Acai and Resveratrol deliver a combined ORAC score of 27,000. This suggests that if these two products were to be combined into anti-aging products - they would become very successful.

Anti Aging Formula - What Does ORAC Mean?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Avoid Harmful Side Effects In Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Skin care and beauty mavens have often told us to wash our face gently with mild cleansers and moisturize, moisturize and moisturize. But are these enough? Soon enough age will come creeping and claim ownership of that smooth blemish-free skin. What's a woman to do?

[b]Anti Aging[/b]

The truth is wrinkles can not be seen by the naked human eye. What we see are the shadows made by the creases and folds on our skin. But for the majority of us this explanation is not comforting. All we want is to rid of those unsightly signs of aging. But how?

Every anti-aging skin care product ever made have made amazing claims to delivering immediate results from reducing fine lines to completely eliminating wrinkles, but these media hyped propaganda can only be proven true when the active ingredients in those products have done what they were expected to do. Active ingredients like Argireline and Matrixyl which are peptides have shown positive results based on research studies.

Argireline, or Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 (AH3), is a botox alternative which is topically applied on facial points instead of being injected subdermally. It is considered a safer option for those leery of using botox to smoothen wrinkled facial areas especially on the forehead and between the eyes. Instead of paralyzing muscles, AH3 relaxes muscle tensions in problem areas by inhibiting the release of neurotransmitters that initiate and control the intensity of muscular contractions on the face.

In a clinical study published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, AH3 has been shown to reduce the depth of wrinkles up to 30% after just 30 days of use, and a 17% reduction of wrinkles around the eyes after only 15 days of treatment. The tests also show a 39% improvement in smoothness, 42% improvement of dryness and 45% improvement in overall skin tone. With the right regular use of AH3-based products like Bellaplex and LifeCell wrinkles specifically around high muscular tension areas on the orbital area and on the forehead can be reduced.

A similar peptide ingredient, Matrixyl (also known as Palmitoyl Pentapeptide-3), has shown to be as effective as Retinol in repairing sun-damaged skin and reducing fine lines but without the harmful side effects. It can also be considered as a safer option to use for people who develop skin irritation from retinoids or alpha-hydroxy acids.

These two peptides are synthetically made but are considered safe for human use. When combined with copper, a natural trace element in all living cells, they can stimulate the production of collagen in skin and may enhance the action of antioxidants.

When choosing the best anti-wrinkle cream, always remember to check the product's ingredients on the packaging label before you buy. Better yet, read wrinkle cream reviews with wrinkle cream ratings in them to find the best anti-aging creams and serums for your type of skin.

Avoid Harmful Side Effects In Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Anti Aging - Olive Oil Skin Care

Olive oil beauty benefits

This nutritious oil works from the inside out and the outside in to heal, restore and protect our skin, hair, nails, and body. Products made from these natural essential oil bases may be a little more expensive but well worth the price in the long run. Perfected by nature, it offers many beauty benefits that have been used for centuries. It is used widely in cosmetics to nurture skin by maintaining a moisture balance that both sooths and absorbs easily.

Anti Aging

It is naturally rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants that have tremendous healing and preserving properties.

- Used in soaps, shampoos, hand lotions, and lip balms it helps to replace moisture and elasticity.

- The squalene in it allows your skin to retain moisture, at the same time nourishing and providing protection.

- Applied to the skin, it helps to protect from the damaging external elements such as the sun's ultra-violet rays and the environmental pollutants.

- Helps to slow the aging process.

- An excellent make-up remover.

- A fantastic all-over massaging treatment.

- Add one or two tablespoons in your bath water.

Inner health - Save some for cooking - The olive tree - A true gift of nature.

- It is the base of the healthy "Mediterranean Diet"

- When taken by mouth this wholesome product helps to prevent wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

- Look for the purest extra virgin olive oil which is the least processed.

Enjoy all the many olive oil skin care benefits this rich, natural beauty remedy can offer and be sure to save some for cooking.

Anti Aging - Olive Oil Skin Care

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Best Anti Aging Face Cream Or Cosmetic Procedure - Which is Better?

There used to be a time when wrinkles used to account for something. One was considered wise and worthy to impart advice then but, with people retiring well past their golden years, and the work place becoming more competitive with each passing year, age has really become nothing but a number. So, how is one, still full of life, yet disadvantaged by their mature features, able to survive in such an environment and stay ahead of the inexperienced young guns with their wisdom and experience?

The good thing about visible signs of aging is, they're much easier to manage than you would have thought. No other age group is being catered to, than the senior citizens...if I may call it that. But at times visible signs of aging are not the result of aging per se, but stress, living conditions and personal hygiene. Whatever your situation or cause, please bear with me.

Anti Aging

Apart from going for your regular Botox regimen or a nip and tuck over lunch, which we both know to be beyond the means of regular folk just like you an me, the next best option, would be to use anti aging or anti wrinkle face creams.

The Best Anti Aging Face Cream Or Cosmetic Procedure - Which is Better?

Anti aging face creams have come a long way from those acid filled concoction of the 70s which left many a face with blotches and dark spots here and there.

Nowadays, anti wrinkle face creams have active ingredients that literally attack problem areas by tightening your skin and replenishing the collagen that you lose with age or stress. When you age, skin loses its elasticity, causing it to sage and wobble!

Oh my!

Now, with the best anti wrinkle face creams, you can re-establish your skin's elasticity by strengthening the capillary walls around the problem areas. It really is a wonder to watch, seeing dull looking skin revitalized, tightened without the use of a knife, up to the point where it becomes beautiful glowing skin! It's like a withered plant that's just received it's water and nutrients, literally!

The real kicker about anti aging creams is that they're not only affordable, but give the same results as the pricey cosmetic interventions. Whilst they take a little more time to give the same effect, but a youthful appearance, nonetheless, is reached with the constant use of anti wrinkle face creams. Unlike pricey surgeries, anti aging products can be used by people of any age. One can start using anti wrinkle cream before wrinkling even appears to prevent it from occurring in the first place. Why invest in surgery if you can avoid it to begin with?

Mind you, not every drug store brand of anti wrinkle cream will produce the desired effect, you have to do your own due diligence to find the product that's right for you. I would say, always stick with the product that's got a lot of user reviews, is made right here in America, and not some cheap alternative from China or something to that effect. Also, we all know that celebrities usually endorse products they themselves use personally, or something they believe in.

In a country such as the US where ligitations as prevalent as a traffic jam in LA, celebrities do not take the endorsement of products lightly, so you can rest assured that the products being endorsed, or seen on TV, are the real deal.

The Best Anti Aging Face Cream Or Cosmetic Procedure - Which is Better?